What is an AMH test?
A helpful test but needs careful interpretation
AMH (Anti-Mullerian hormone) is a hormone released by immature egg cells in the ovaries. By measuring level of AMH in your blood (a simple blood test) it gives you an idea about how many eggs are remaining in your ovaries.
There are some important points to note about this information.
Like any test, it is not always accurate. Dr Geisler, and most other fertility specialists, recommend that the result is interpreted along with an ultrasound to count the number of egg-containing follicles in your ovaries (antral follicle count) to be sure that the results correlate.
AMH does not tell you if you are, or aren't going to have a baby. Each month, one of your ovaries releases an egg at ovulation and as long as this is occurring, you can become pregnant. It only takes one egg. A woman with a very low AMH can still become pregnant as long as she is ovulating. Where the AMH is important is that it tells you how many eggs would be expected to be collected following IVF stimulation (this is the main role of AMH). If the AMH is high, an above average number of eggs would be expected. Where an AMH is low, it indicates that the number of eggs collected will be low.
Why is this important?
IVF is the most successful fertility treatment available (with an age dependent success rate, but approximately 38% live birth in a good clinic). The chance of having a baby from IVF is largely dependent on the number and quality of the eggs collected. Less eggs means less chance of a good quality embryo, resulting in a a baby.
So, the AMH result therefore also tells you the urgency with which you should consider moving on to fertility assistance. (Age is also an extremely important factor and sometimes more important than AMH.)
Dr Geisler can measure AMH, interpret the results for you with a transvaginal ultrasound and advise you on the best next steps, with a focus on maximising your chances of becoming pregnant naturally where possible.